We understand the importance of protecting your privacy and personal information. This privacy policy outlines the types of personal information we collect, how we use and protect it, and your rights as a customer.

Information we collect

We collect personal information that you provide to us when you use our services or communicate with us. This may include:

  • Name, address, email address, and phone number

  • Event details, including date and location

  • Payment and billing information

  • Images or videos taken at the event

We may also collect information automatically through the use of cookies and other tracking technologies when you visit our website.

Use of personal information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To provide and improve our services, including photography and videography services for your event

  • To communicate with you about your event and provide updates

  • To process payments and billing

  • To send marketing communications if you have opted in to receive them

  • To comply with legal obligations

We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties for their own marketing purposes.

Protection of personal information

We take the security of your personal information seriously and have implemented reasonable physical, technical, and administrative measures to protect it from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or alteration.

Retention of personal information

We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to provide our services and as required by law. We may also retain information for legitimate business purposes, such as to resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.

Your rights

You have certain rights with respect to your personal information, including:

  • The right to access and receive a copy of your personal information

  • The right to request that we correct or update your personal information

  • The right to request that we delete your personal information

  • The right to object to the processing of your personal information

  • The right to withdraw your consent for us to use your personal information

To exercise your rights, please contact us using the information provided at the end of this privacy policy.

Changes to the privacy policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will post the updated policy on our website and, if the changes are significant, we will notify you by email or other means.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices or this policy, please contact us at photography@sashagrishina.com